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Payment Gateway
General Information
What types of payment methods are supported?
What are the transaction fees and how are they calculated?
I don't have a website. Can I accept payment using DOKU?
Is there a demo account for me to test payment using DOKU?
Are there any restrictions on the types of businesses that can use DOKU?
Can individual/personal businesses accept payment with DOKU?
How long does it take to process a transaction?
When will I receive the money from my transactions?
Can DOKU help me to reconcile my transactions?
What kind of support is available if I encounter a problem?
Can DOKU provide loan for my business?
Registration & Activation
How to register a DOKU account?
What documents do I need to prepare to register a business account?
What is the difference between Personal, Corporate, and International?
When will my business account be verified?
Can I accept payments before my business account has been verified?
Can I update my business account data after submitting account registration?
How to check whether my business account has been verified?
My business data is rejected. What should I do?
My business account verification is rejected after I started accepting payments. What should I do?
What to do after my business account has been verified?
My file/document is failed to be uploaded. What should I do?
How to activate more payment methods?
Why are some of the payment methods disabled?
Why is my payment method status still updating?
How long do I need to wait for the payment method to be activated?
How to check whether my payment method has been activated?
I need assistance from an account manager. What should I do?
Account & Dashboard
How to log in to DOKU Dashboard?
I forgot my password. How do I reset my password?
I did not receive any email to reset my password. What should I do?
How to change my password?
How to switch the language of the dashboard?
Can I give dashboard access to my team?
What is the access level and permission for each role in team management?
How do I remove or change the role of my team member?
Can I monitor the activities of my team members?
Why are some of the menus and pages missing from the menu bar?
What is the role of my user account?
Why has my business account been suspended?
Can I change my business name or brand name?
How to update my business data?
How to update my brand data?
What is my referral code?
How to use referral code?
What is Multi Brand Dashboard?
How do I delete or deactivate my user account?
Finance & Operation
How to check the status of my transaction?
What does each status mean in the transaction report?
What if my transaction fails to process?
What does each activity mean in the transaction report?
How to export transaction data?
Can I export transaction report automatically?
I still have not received my transaction report. What should I do?
How to check and select bank account for settlement?
Can I add more than one settlement bank account?
How to change or remove settlement bank account?
Can I split the settlement to multiple bank accounts?
Can I set a different settlement bank account for a specific payment method?
Why are my transaction funds settled to the wrong bank account?
My transactions still have not been settled. What should I do?
Can DOKU settle funds in other currencies besides IDR?
How to retrieve my settlement report?
I still have not received my settlement report. What should I do?
Is there a settlement report template that I can download?
What is the difference between Settlement Report and Transaction Report?
How to check the fee for each payment method?
Is VAT applied to the transaction fee?
How to process refund of my non-credit-card transaction?
Can I add or change my business name that is shown in the Virtual Account (Aggregator) payment method?
Can I self-configure the payment notification URL for all payment methods?
How to re-send the notification of my transaction?
How do I integrate with DOKU?
Can I integrate with DOKU using an e-Commerce platform or plugins?
What is my Client ID and Secret Key?
What is the difference between DGPC, MGPC, and DIPC?
What licenses does DOKU have?
Is DOKU PCI-DSS compliant?
I want to stop using DOKU services. How do I remove my data from DOKU?
What is 2-Step Verification?
Checkout Page
Can I customize my checkout page?
How to customize my checkout page?
How to sort the payment methods on my checkout page?
How to apply a promo code in the checkout page?
DOKU Products
Payment Link
What is Payment Link?
Can I create multiple Payment Links at the same time?
Can I create a Payment Link from a social media app?
Can I send Payment Link notification to my customers via email?
Can I customize the email content of my Payment Link?
Can I receive multiple payments from the same Payment Link?
What is Partial Payments in Payment Link?
What is the difference between Single Payment Link and Multiple Payment Link?
Can I accept payments of any amount using Payment Link?
How can I collect customer information using Payment Link?
Is it possible to create a custom Payment Link with my brand name?
Is it possible to allow customers to make partial payments with Payment Link?
Can I attach files to a Payment Link?
Can I set an expiry date for my Payment Link?
What is the Success Page URL feature for?
Can I use Payment Link for fundraising or donations?
How can I track payments received through Payment Link?
What happens if my Payment Link expires?
What is the definition of each status found in the Payment Link page?
How to reactivate a Payment Link that I have deactivated?
Can I send a notification to my customers after the Payment Link has been created?
What is the limit of my Custom Payment Link?
What are Custom Fields on Payment Link?
What is e-Katalog?
What is the difference between Need Shipment and No Shipment?
Embedded Wallet
What is Embedded Wallet?
Bill Collection
What is Bill Collection?
DOKU e-Wallet
Account Settings
Pengaturan Akun
Mengapa Akun Saya terkunci?
Bagaimana cara registrasi Akun DOKU e-Wallet?
Bagaimana cara membuka Akun Saya yang terkunci?
Bagaimana jika link unlocked tidak dapat dibuka atau tidak bekerja?
Bagaimana jika Saya tidak menerima email untuk pembukaan Akun yang terkunci?
Bagaimana cara untuk membuat PIN?
Bagaimana jika Saya Lupa PIN?
Bagaimana cara mengubah Email yang sudah terdaftar?
Bagaimana cara mengubah Nomor Handphone yang sudah terdaftar?
Bagaimana jika Saya belum menerima Kode OTP?
Bagaimana jika Akun Saya telah diambil alih oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab?
Bagaimana jika saya lupa Nomor Handphone yang terdaftar pada saat Login ?
Bagaimana cara Upgrade Akun menjadi Premium?
Bagaimana jika saya belum menerima kode OTP?
Account Verification
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Akun Premium?
Apa perbedaan Akun Normal dengan Akun Premium?
Bagaimana cara Upgrade Akun menjadi Premium?
Mengapa permintaan upgrade akun DOKU e-Wallet Saya belum diproses?
Bagaimana jika Verifikasi Akun Premium Saya tidak disetujui?
Apakah bisa menggunakan Identitas diri yang sama untuk lebih dari 1 akun?
Top Up and Withdrawal
Bagaimana cara melakukan Top up saldo
Apakah ada biaya yang dikenakan untuk Top up saldo?
Apakah top up saldo bisa menggunakan Kartu kredit?
Berapa batas maksimal saldo yang bisa di top up?
Bagaimana jika top up saya belum masuk?
Bagaimana jika saya sudah melakukan diatas, namun saldo belum masuk?
Apakah saya bisa transfer saldo ke sesama pengguna Akun DOKU e-Wallet?
Bagaimana cara transfer saldo ke sesama pengguna Akun DOKU e-Wallet?
Apakah ada biaya yang dikenakan untuk transfer saldo ke sesama pengguna Akun DOKU e-Wallet?
Apakah saldo DOKU e-Wallet bisa ditarik?
Bagaimana cara melakukan penarikan dana melalui Transfer Bank?
Apakah ada biaya yang dikenakan untuk melakukan transfer saldo ke rekening Bank?
Bagaimana jika pada rekening bank tujuan belum menerima saldo yang sudah saya transfer, namun saldo pada akun DOKU e-Wallet sudah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan penarikan dana melalui Tarik Tunai di Gerai?
Apakah ada biaya yang dikenakan untuk melakukan Tarik Tunai melalui Gerai?
Bagaimana jika Tarik tunai di Gerai gagal, namun saldo sudah terpotong?
Bagaimana jika Top up saya belum masuk?
Online Transaction and Purchases
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembayaran transaksi menggunakan DOKU e-Wallet di Merchant?
Bagaimana jika pembayaran transaksi di Merchant gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembelian pulsa?
Bagaimana jika pembelian pulsa gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembayaran tagihan Listrik?
Bagaimana jika pembayaran tagihan listrik gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembayaran tagihan telepon?
Bagaimana jika pembayaran tagihan telepon gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembayaran tagihan Air/ PDAM?
Bagaimana jika pembayaran tagihan Air/ PDAM gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembayaran tagihan TV Berlangganan?
Bagaimana jika pembayaran tagihan TV Berlangganan gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Bagaimana cara melakukan pembayaran tagihan Asuransi BPJS Kesehatan?
Bagaimana jika pembayaran tagihan Asuransi BPJS Kesehatan gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Jika saya melakukan transaksi AliExpress menggunakan DOKU e-Wallet apakah refund otomatis diproses ke akun DOKU e-Wallet saya?
Mengapa refund AliExpress belum saya terima?
Berapa lama proses refund transaksi AliExpress saya?
Apakah tagihan BPJS Kesehatan saya bisa dilakukan Autodebet?
Bagaimana jika pembelian pulsa gagal, namun saldo telah terpotong?
Juragan DOKU
General Information
How to register a Juragan DOKU Account?
Brand ID
Client ID
DOKU e-Wallet
Sandbox (DOKU Sandbox)
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What is Embedded Wallet?
Modified on: Wed, 24 Apr, 2024 at 4:35 PM
What is Embedded Wallet?